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Clove and Hoof is a shared passion project inspired by its two owners, John Blevins and Analiesa Gosnell.  The Restaurant and Butcher Shop cohabitate the Oakland space and create a beautiful lifecycle for whole animals – beef, pork, lamb, chicken, rabbit and duck.  The animals all come from farms that never, ever use antibiotics or hormones and are raised using responsible and humane methods.  The ranches are  hand picked with the highest regard to animal husbandry and, well, ultimate tastiness for you.

John has been in restaurant kitchens since his adolescence.  He grew up in Georgia and constantly strove to learn more, his passion for food taking him all over the United States to stage and work – from New York and Las Vegas to Alaska, he toured the nation to learn as much as possible from as many chefs as he could.  Most recently he has worked for Gather Restaurant and Lalime’s in Berkeley, then apprenticed and worked with 4505 Meats in San Francisco.

Analiesa has been involved with agriculture and food for the majority of her life, from raising small and large livestock in 4-H to graduating from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a degree in Agricultural Business.  After a short career in Corporate America her meat love affair began while working a prominent Bay Area farmer’s market meat stand, selling cuts and educating customers about good, honest meat – how it’s raised, slaughtered, processed, and how it should be prepared.  Her interests led her to a butchery apprenticeship in New York and a quick job at Café Rouge Meat Market in Berkeley.

Prior to opening shop, John and Ana have opened two restaurants together and took a long trip to France to cut and cure with Kate Hill and the acclaimed Chapolard family at their hog farm.  Upon returning to Oakland they started building Clove and Hoof and are always working to build up the business.


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